A program that lets you get e-mail from multiple accounts in one place.
What it is
A program that lets you get e-mail from multiple accounts in one place.
What it gives you
• Speedy access to multiple e-mail accounts in one place (even AOL and Gmail)
• The power of desktop software with the flexibility of Web-based e-mail
• A way to get your newsgroups and RSS feeds as easily as you get e-mail
• The ability to compose, delete, and organize e-mail even when you're offline
• A massive 2GB* of online inbox storage
• Address AutoComplete and other handy features to let you speed through your e-mail like never before
• The power to instantly add an MSN Spaces blog entry about any message
• Keep in touch with your MSN Messenger contacts right from inside the program
• Easy creation and editing of photo e-mails
Frequently Asked Questions
Does Windows Live™ Mail Desktop Beta let me get e-mail from more than one e-mail account?
Yes,you can add multiple accounts, both Web-based ones (like MSN® Hotmail®,AOL and Gmail), and POP3- or IMAP-enabled accounts (the kind of e-mailyou usually get on your desktop with an e-mail client like Microsoft®Office Outlook®).
Will the security features of Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta work across all my e-mail accounts?
Yes.Powerful security features will help protect you against junk e-mail,viruses, and fraudulent “phishing” messages for all e-mail that you getwith the Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta software—no matter what accountit comes from.
Why do I need a Passport or Hotmail account?
Well,first of all, we need a way to identify you to help protect your e-mailaccount. Also, Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta is designed to work withother MSN and Windows Live services. Once you’ve logged in to theprogram, we can give you seamless, one-click access to MSN Spaces, MSNMessenger, and all your Windows Live contacts.
Sign up: http://ideas.live.com/signup.aspx?versionId=6ac2bed2-b5a4-4a0a-a897-e36dd191a9f4
Yes,you can add multiple accounts, both Web-based ones (like MSN® Hotmail®,AOL and Gmail), and POP3- or IMAP-enabled accounts (the kind of e-mailyou usually get on your desktop with an e-mail client like Microsoft®Office Outlook®). Yes. Powerful security features will help protect youagainst junk e-mail, viruses, and fraudulent “phishing” messages forall e-mail that you get with the Windows Live Mail Desktop Betasoftware—no matter what account it comes from. Well, first of all, weneed a way to identify you to help protect your e-mail account. Also,Windows Live Mail Desktop Beta is designed to work with other MSN andWindows Live services. Once you’ve logged in to the program, we cangive you seamless, one-click access to MSN Spaces, MSN Messenger, andall your Windows Live contacts.Downloadsign up: