Spyware scan ArchonScanner2006 1.0 Beta1

Archon Scanner is a whole new design for host security which isentirely different from traditional Anti-Spyware programs that usesPattern-Matching approach and can only detect known Spyware. Archon’sScan Engine utilizes an unique scanning algorithm known as SpywareBehavior Analysis Technology (SBAT), against modern sophisticatedSpyware tricks; it can analyze malicious behavior of Spyware. Thistechnology has a powerful capability of detecting all kinds of advancedstealth technique performed by malicious Spyware without any signaturedatabase. Archon Scanner achieves an excellent result in scanning andexamining currently known or even those still unknown, maliciousSpyware that might come up. Furthermore, Archon Scanner can complimentthe weakness of general Anti-Spyware or Pattern-Matching Based HIDS toprovide the best Anti-Spyware detecting solution for malicious software.

Key features of Archon Scanner:

  1. Injected DLL Analysis:

    Analyze the DLL-Injection Spyware or other masqueraded PE technologies.
  2. API-Hooking Analysis:

    Analyze all kind of System Global API Hooks in user mode, such as IAT, EAT, and Inline Hooking.
  3. SSDT-Hooking Analysis:

    Analyze SSDT Hook of kernel mode and detect the kernel-Mode Rootkit.
  4. Hidden Process Analysis:

    Analyze all kinds of hidden process.
  5. Network Sniffer Analysis:

    Analyze malicious network programs, such as Sniffer or Raw-Socket Spyware.

Pleasetake note of the announcements on our web-site and update the latestScan Engine. Archon Scanner also has auto-update feature. By connectingto Internet before starting Archon, Archon will automatically connectto our website and check the latest version. (It will send a HTTPRequest to inform the latest version). There is no need to panic ifwarning is shown on your IDS, it is just a normal procedure.


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