Synaptics TouchPad™ devices are touch-sensitive pads that sense theposition of a person's finger on its surface to provide screennavigation, cursor movement, and a platform for interactive input.Synaptics TouchPad devices are the industry leading solution, known fortheir durability, reliability, and accuracy. Synaptics TouchPadsolutions can be custom designed to meet your requirements for sizes,thickness, feature functionality and electrical interfaces.
Installation procedure:
First,if you have a new TouchPad, plug it in and reboot Windows 2000 /WinXP.Windows 2000 / WinXP will then detect your new TouchPad and install astandard mouse driver to handle it. You cannot install the SynapticsTouchPad driver until this process is complete and your TouchPad isfunctioning as a normal pointing device.
Log on to your system as "Administrator", or as another user with administrator privileges.
Run"Setup.exe". This program will automatically install the SynapticsTouchPad driver to handle all PS/2 and Serial pointing devices attachedto your computer.
You will need to restart Windows after theinstallation is complete. If the driver has been installed correctly,after you have restarted Windows you should see the TouchPad Icon inyour task bar next to the clock. Also, a dialog box entitled"Information about your TouchPad"
will pop up. You can preventthis dialog box from coming up in the future by checking the "Stopshowing me this message" checkbox.
TouchPad Driver Features Product Brief
Advanced Features
TheSynaptics device driver provides a variety of advanced features for endusers. Manufacturers can choose to support all or a sub-set of thesefeatures. Below is an overview of selected advanced features. View theTouchPad Tutorial to see a demonstration of the most commonly usedadvanced features.
Touch Sensitivity
TheTouch Sensitivity feature allows users to get the best performance froma TouchPad. Users can personalize the touch sensitivity settings fortheir finger size and style of touch.
Tappingon the TouchPad surface is usually quicker and more convenient thanusing a mouse or mechanical buttons, and gives the same result asclicking the primary mouse button. Tapping twice in rapid successionproduces a double-click.
Tap Zones
The TapZone feature allows users to configure each of the four corners of theTouchPad surface to act as different buttons when tapped. Users canconfigure the Tap Zones to perform an action, such as launching anapplication. Users can also adjust the size of each Tap Zone.
Corner Taps and Programmable Tap Zones
Cornertaps and programmable tap zones allow users to assign button controlsor other functions to an area on the TouchPad surface. For example,users can program the right hand corner of the TouchPad to perform theequivalent of a right button mouse click, or program another corner ofthe TouchPad to launch the Start Menu. The actions are entirely up tothe user, and are programmable through the Synaptics driver.
ThePalmCheck™ feature guards against unintentional cursor movement andtapping caused by accidental contact of the palm or hand with theTouchPad. PalmCheck allows the TouchPad to recognize when a user’s palmis resting on it or brushing its surface while typing. This helpsprevent unwanted pointer movement or clicks.
TheEdgeMotion™ feature is designed to simplify long-distance pointermotions. With EdgeMotion, users are not restricted by the size of theTouchPad when dragging an item across the screen or pointing. When theuser’s finger reaches the edge of the TouchPad, holding the finger onthe edge will cause the cursor to continue moving in that directionuntil the finger is lifted.
Programmable Button Assignments
TheProgrammable Button Assignment feature allows users to configure theaction performed when a button is pressed. For example, users coulddefine the right button to “go to a web page in the default browser.”Each time that button is clicked, the web browser would automaticallyopen and load the specified page. However, the factory defaults formechanical buttons are generally set to emulate primary and secondarymouse clicks.
Virtual Zooming
TheVirtual Zooming feature makes increasing or decreasing themagnification of a document quick and easy. By holding down the controlkey and running a finger along the right edge of the TouchPad will zoomin or out, depending on the direction of motion. This feature isavailable with applications that have a zoom feature and support theMicrosoft IntelliMouse™.
Slow Motion
TheSlow Motion feature allows users to reduce the speed of the pointer toimprove pointing accuracy for fine positioning. Users activate SlowMotion by pressing and holding a specified key (user-selected) whilemoving the pointer.
Constrained Motion
TheConstrained Motion feature allows users to force purely horizontal orvertical motion of the pointer on the screen. This feature is mostbeneficial when using a drawing program. Constrained Motion isactivated by pressing and holding a specified key (user-selected) whilemoving the pointer. When the key is pressed, the initial direction ofthe pointer’s motion determines the allowed direction of movement foras long as the finger remains on the TouchPad.
Animated Tray Icon
The animated tray icon provides instant visual feedback about taps and finger motion.
Virtual Scrolling
TheVirtual Scrolling feature allows users to scroll through documents, webpages, and so forth with a single stroke of the finger. VirtualScrolling operates the scroll bars automatically so there is no need tomove the pointer away from its current location. Virtual Scrollingworks with most scrollable windows such as word processing documents,spreadsheets, and large digital images. It also works with otherscrollable items such as file lists and font lists. Virtual Scrollingprovides smooth and easy scrolling for all applications.
Windows XP 64-bit edition v8.3.4 All Languages 5.43 MB
Windows 98/ME v8.1.2 All Languages 5.23 MB
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Windows 2000/XP v8.3.4 All Languages 5.32 MB
Windows 95 English Only 5.86 MB
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