It's been a while, you can finaly take that sigh of releif. TodayMicrosoft released build 5536 on Microsoft Connect.The last buildreleased, 5472, was released over one and a half months ago. Build 5536is a branch of the RC1 milestone, however it does not appear to be thefinal RC1 build.
Thebuild weighs in at 2,643.66MB, and is currently only available in X86.It is not yet known when or if a X64 version will be released.
Sowhat's new? Performance in this build has been drasticly improved, withmore stability and reliability. Some UI improvements here and there,including some new icons. And it also appears installation time hasbeen dramatically reduced.
vista_5536.16385.060821-1900_vista_rc1_x86fre_client-LR1CFRE_EN_DVD.iso, 2,643.33 MB
Windows Vista Build 5536 x86 - (Testers Only)