System Mechanic® 6 Professional is a totally integrated suite ofpowerful PC tools that will keep your system running smooth, fast, anderror-free. Solve stubborn and frustrating problems and prevent themfrom reoccurring; automatically maintain your computer for peakperformance, speed, and reliability; protect against viruses, hackers,trojans, e-mail worms, and Internet threats; eliminate dangerousspyware and malware parasites; ensure personal and Internet privacy andsecurity; recover lost or deleted files, documents, photos, music, ande-mail; and much more! System Mechanic 6 Professional offers anunrivaled list of features by combing six award-winning products andseamlessly integrating them into one authoritative and easy-to-usesolution!
Includestotally integrated email protection and daily virus updates. The idealanti-virus for those who want maximum security and ease-of-use.Automatic updates, low memory use, and advanced technology for Internetand email protection. The latest generation firewall that stops hackersfrom destroying, stealing, or corrupting your information. Turn yourcomputer into a fortress against Internet threats, keeping your data inand unwanted viruses and other threats out. Easily recover lost ordeleted files, folders, documents, pictures, programs, music, videos,and many other items from hard drives, floppy drives, zip drives - evendigital cameras, MP3 players, USB memory drives, and more!
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