쎄로 (Cyril) , 멋지다..!
오늘 쎄로 마술쇼 보신 분들 깜짝 놀라셨을듯 싶네요;..

마지막 부분.. 정말 ..할 말을 잃은..

하트6 에서 하트8로 변화되는 과정이 예술이었어요....

카메라 조작이라고는 보이지는 않네요..

왜냐하면 마술이라고 밝히고 하는 퍼포먼스니깐요

(초능력 이라고 하는 놈들도 옛날에 있었죠?..)

곧 있으면 TV녹화 뜨신분들이 공유 하시겠죠..

제가 그걸 다운받아서 블로그에 올려놔야 겠네요...

닥터레옹도 좋았지만 쎄로가 한수 위인듯 싶습니다 ..

미국·로스앤젤레스 태생.일본인의 아버지와 프랑스인의 어머니를 가진다.

10세 때에 매직에 매료되어 이후 독학으로 수많은 테크닉을 습득. 12세에 할리우드에 본거지를 두는, 마지살즈크라브의 세계적 권위 「매직 캐슬」의 쥬니어 멤버에게.

그 후 재능을 개화시켜 국내외를 불문하고 모든 타이틀을 획득.

현재는 일본, 미국, 유럽을 중심으로, 세계적으로 활약중.

마술그룹 'T.H.E.M' 멤버

It is one thing to hear of a great magician or of something magical, butto see with your own eyes a true master magician at work is somethingvery, very special. Performing artist Cyril is taking the world bystorm ? amazing all that see him perform.

Cyrilis quickly establishing himself as one the hottest new stars in Japan.In June of 2004 Cyril completed his third two-hour magic special injust two years for TV Tokyo and the response to his shows has beenphenomenal. In his latest magic special Cyril blew away viewers bybungee diving headfirst off a Las Vegas Hotel, sword in his hand, tosuccessfully pierce a previously chosen card floating amongst a fulldeck in a pool of water below. Incredible ? not to mention a bit crazy!Television audiences were once again treated to a visit by Cyril'smagical relative, the charming Grandpa Cyril, perhaps the oldestprofessional performing magician. Viewers also met one of Cyril'smagical friends, the talented but annoying Dero. Cyril's magic isoriginal, highly visual and stylish in its presentation and he isenvied and admired among his magician peers.

Cyril does not limit his cutting-edge work to Japan.In the US Cyril is a member of Magic X Live, a group of 10 of thehottest young magicians in the world who quickly rip apart the outdatedimage of the rabbit and top hat magician and are changing the way welook at magic. Check out Magic X Live at www.magicxlive.com

Membersof Magic X Live have recently collaborated to create a mind-blowing newtelevision program, T.H.E.M.Totally Hidden Extreme Magic. Airing in theUS, Australia and the UK, the program features the group of youngmagicians, or "THEM", baffling unsuspecting bystanders with wild magicand illusions all while being secretly filmed with hidden cameras. Theshow mixes Candid Camera with the world of magic and the first twoepisodes have had awesome reviews.

Born and raisedin Hollywood California to an Okinawan father and French-Moroccanmother, Cyril first encountered magic at age 6 when a family friendtook him to Las Vegas to see a magic show. He was immediately hookedand began to practice magic everyday, often to the dismay of hisparents and teachers. As a young teenager Cyril was accepted into theyouth program at California's famous Magic Castle where, surrounded byhis magic mentors, he began to gain skills that would help him tobecome a professional performer.

Cyril is an award-winning magician of the highestorder. In 1994 F.I.S.M.(Federation International Society du Magique)awarded Cyril top prize in the Grand Illusion Category. It was thisprestigious award, in what is known as the "Olympics of Magic" thatbroke Cyril onto the international stage.

In 1997 Cyril met his partner, choreographer anddancer Jane, and together they began to develop a new act. Jane admitsthat "magic threw my whole notion of dance and performance on its head"as the unpredictability and intensity of magic presented her whole newset of challenges. The result of their hard work is stunning. Togetheron stage, Cyril and Jane are on the cutting edge of performance art.Their fusion of dance and magic in finely choreographed routines isgroundbreaking.To see them together on stage is to watch moving poetryof wonder.

In 2001, all the hard work paid off andCyril and Jane captured the highly coveted Golden Lion Award atSiegfried and Roy's World Magic Seminar in Las Vegas.

Cyril is constant demand for live appearances all over the world and hecarefully plans and crafts shows to fit the particular demands of eachvenue and the clients with whom he works. Close-up, Parlor Magic, GrandIllusion shows, he does it all.

In our modern technological world we encounter specialeffects and visual tricks in the media daily. What remains timeless isthe sense of awe one experiences when presented face-to-face withphenomena that defy the laws of nature. The magic of Cyril inspiresthis awe.

Cyril has many new exciting projects up his sleeves ? the best is yet to come!

