?? ?複? ?
? 死 複꾼栢?複栢百
霜 蔔? 輻 複栢複三栢? 査栢?
査?査? 複輻? 겨栢幡 賞昉栢?蔔栢栢
? 꾼朋? 蔔栢? 갛栢百 殯꾼栢꾼栢栢栢栢껐
긁 꾼栢?査栢棚栢白? 査栢? 輻兵栢方 꾼栢白?
께栢複 ? 꾼栢?栢栢栢賽栢栢? 栢栢? 死 께栢? 꾼栢昉栢白?
꾼栢百 賞複 꾼栢?栢栢? 査栢百 栢栢? ?昉栢? 꾼栢旁栢栢幡 ?
꾼栢? 査幡 꾼栢?栢昉굅 栢栢?栢栢? 昉栢? 꾼栢方栢栢? 霜
꾼栢? 複 ?複兵栢栢査幡煞 栢栢?栢栢? 昉栢? 꾼栢?栢栢? ?
꾼栢? 複栢栢꿀꾼栢께栢栢? 複幡 栢栢方栢栢? ?昉栢? 꾼栢?栢栢? 蔔
꾼栢? 栢栢껐昉栢旁꾼栢? 蔔栢? 栢栢方栢栢? ?昉栢? 꾼栢?꾼栢? 複栢百
꾼栢? 栢栢?昉栢方꾼栢?査栢? 栢栢旁栢栢? ?昉栢? 꾼栢?栢栢? 査栢方
꾼栢? 栢栢?昉栢?꾼栢?栢栢? ?꾼栢旁栢栢? 死昉栢方 꾼栢?꾼栢? 栢栢?
꾼栢? 栢栢?昉栢?꾼栢方栢栢? ?꾼栢昉栢栢? 賞꾼栢?꾼栢?꾼栢? 栢栢?
꾼栢? 栢栢?昉栢?꾼栢旁栢栢方 ?꾼栢昉栢栢껐 複꾼栢껐栢栢?꾼栢? 栢栢?
꾼栢? 栢栢?昉栢?꾼栢昉栢栢旁 死꾼栢栢栢栢껐蔔幡賽賽栢께栢栢 꾼栢方 栢栢?
꾼栢? ?栢栢?栢栢方꾼栢昉栢栢昉 兵賽 賞栢百?兵꾼栢께輻꾼栢方꾼栢旁 栢栢?
꾼栢? ?栢栢껐栢栢昉꾼栢旁栢栢栢? 霜 査栢白栢栢幡賽栢百栢栢昉査栢昉 栢栢?
굉栢? ?栢栢께栢幡賽꾼栢方栢栢百 複꾼栢賽? 査璽꾼栢賽輻栢栢複栢栢?
갚꾼百 死査栢꿉? 꾼栢?꾼栢? 賽?蔔白 ?輻賽 ?複?栢栢?
?賞白霜栢? 꾼栢?査栢百 査昉? ? ?栢栢?
賞栢? 賞栢栢?三꾼白 蔔께? ?栢栢?
? 殯栢? 賽께께複昉꿉? ? ?栢栢?
겨輻 輻 兵꿉栢? 霜? 賽三? ?輻 ? ?? 査栢껐
複께?複꾼栢栢栢幡 賞栢栢栢꿀複 三꿀? 殯? 霜死 兵꿉霜
兵?輻賽? 견賞賽賽栢丙蔔幡賽三꿉 輻 蔔께? 死霜? 複輻?複賽
殯蔔? ? 賞꾼? 薩 複兵께꿉? 輻 三꿀께꿉??
三? 겡栢? ? 複兵께賽兵賽 ?? 複께께꿉?
?? ?? 霜 꾼栢? ?? 兵꾼幡 兵? 兵? 兵꾼幡
?? 霜? 三?賞栢栢輻 三輹께栢? 殯? 殯? 殯꾼百
? 三꿀 殯?査昉??? 殯鵬께栢複 三? 三複 賞께白
霜 殯꿇 兵? 栢? 死 兵? 査三꾼栢複栢白複賽昉複輻三꿀
?? 蔔賽複賽 査? 輻 賽 ??三꾼?賽賽賽三께께蔔白輻?? ??
死 輻 複께兵께께? ? 兵께께께께께께?殯?殯께께께께複兵꿉께께? 霜 死
輻 ?兵께賽賽賽賽塞 ?泗賽賽賽賽賽賽?輻? 賽賽賽賽賽賽賽賽賽三께꿀갛輻?
複? 覆殯? Night Watch (c) CDV 賽꿇갛?霜
꿉 兵?百 査 殯? ?
?蔔幡 ? Protection ..: StarForce 3.7 ? 賞白?
査꿇 ? ? 殯百
白三꿀 ? Date .........: January 2760 Number of Discs .........: 3 ? 兵꿉?
昉꿀輻? 賽複께
껑?複께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께굅 GAME NOTES 갛께께複 갚
굅兵께賽賽賽? 賽賽三께丙
겪꿉 三?
百 ? ?査
? ? World has always been divided into two sides ? black and ? ?
? ? white, day and night, Light and Darkness. An ancient ? ?
? ? agreement guards the balance between Light and Darkness. ? ?
? ? But there should be someone to guard the Agreement. ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? There are people among us who look usual but who are ? ?
? ? different ?they call themselves Others. They can enter ? ?
? ? the magic layer of reality ?gloom, feel the magic power ? ?
? ? and use it for their different magic abilities. From the ? ?
? ? very beginning of our days Others took a side to serve to ? ?
? ? and to fight for. Others who protect Light united in the ? ?
? ? Night Watch as they fight against those who come out in ? ?
? ? the night time. Others who fight for Darkness united into ? ?
? ? Day Watch. Their battle goes on for ages ? and will be ? ?
? ? going on until the balance is lost and one side wins ? ?
? ? forever.. ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? Welcome to the Night Watch! As your power will grow with ? ?
? ? the experience, you will be able to choose one ? ?
? ? specialization out of three. You can be Shapeshifter and ? ?
? ? turn into an animal ?your significant physical strength ? ?
? ? will be a great weapon in a close combat. You can choose ? ?
? ? to be an Enchanter and be able to turn usual items into ? ?
? ? magical artifacts. Or you can become a Mage and learn many ? ?
? ? of different mighty spells. But no matter which ? ?
? ? specialization you choose, you can also rely on your ? ?
? ? team-mates. ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? Your tactics will be greatly deepened with the gloom, an ? ?
? ? Other layer of reality. It shows auras of Others, makes ? ?
? ? your abilities grow and gives more power to your spells. ? ?
? ? Yet for all this the gloom takes away your strength ? ? ?
? ? slowly, turn by turn. This constant threat to your life ? ?
? ? deepens the challenge and makes the magic battles even ? ?
? ? sharper, while realistic physics and destructible ? ?
? ? environment make them spectacular! ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? Step into the real locations of modern Moscow, enter the ? ?
? ? gloom, reveal your magic abilities and serve the cause of ? ?
? ? Light! ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? Because you are an Other. ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? Side note: Some lame buttonclicker group nobody cares ? ?
? ? about released this game with a StarForce protected demo ? ?
? ? exe used as a crack which does not even work properly. ? ?
? ? Enjoy our quality. ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ?
? 複께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께께껑?iNSTALL NOTES 갚께께複 ?
兵께賽賽賽? 賽三께?
殯? 三?
百 ? ?査
? ? ~ Unpack ? ?
? ? ~ Burn or mount ? ?
? ? ~ Install the game ? ?
? ? ~ Install the update from the ViTALiTY folder on CD1 ? ?
? ? ~ Copy the crack from the ViTALiTY folder on CD1 ? ?
? ? ~ Play or die! ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? vitality@devils.com ? ?
? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ?
? ? ? ? ? 複? 兵? 蔔견께? ? ?
? 百 蔔栢? 兵棚께꿀 蔔栢輹栢? ?蔔昉 賽 ? 査 ?
? 殯? ? 꾼? 複輻 昉?兵?栢꾼百 複栢 栢꿀?? 蔔栢? ? 兵? ?
? 三께複白 꾼? 꾼百꾼白꾼? 兵賞昉栢?殯栢 栢께栢? 栢? 蔔複兵께? ?
死 賽께께?꾼??꾼?꾼?꾼?査?栢꾼? 꾼方栢껑栢??栢?兵께께賽 死
霜 꾼??꾼方꾼方꾼方栢?栢栢? 꾼旁栢껐栢??栢? 輻
? 꾼??꾼旁꾼旁꾼旁栢?栢꾼? 꾼昉栢?栢??栢? ?
査百璽栢鵬??幡幡? 兵三? 賞 査昉 査百璽栢?
賞白栢? 三꾼丙蔔께輻? ? 死 幡?輻栢蔔幡
?賽複 賞?輻? ?昉? ? 三꾼丙蔔께輻賞昉? ?
霜 輻 三昉? ???昉? ? 賞꿇輻
? 갛? 三昉? 複輹昉?
? ? 갛? 蔔賽三께?
? 幡 殯?
死 ?
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