Maxthon 검색 결과, 3
Maxthon 2.0.1 Build 8393 RC1
Maxthon (Formerly MyIE2) is a powerful web browser with a highly customizable interface. It can open multiple web pages within one browser window, and uses little system resources. Maxthon has a greatly integrated & customizable interface which supports Skins (Default, Turbo Qute, Mozilla_2, Safari, TCPort, X_Phoenity), Plug-Ins (AI Roboform, FlashSave, ViewSource, EnableRightClick, Up a Directo..Maxthon 2.0.1 Build 5462 Beta 3
Maxthon Internet Browser software (Formerly MyIE2), is a powerful tabbed browser with a highly customizable interface. It is based on the Internet Explorer browser engine (your most likely current web browser) which means that what works in the IE browser will work the same in Maxthon tabbed browser but with many additional efficient features like... • Tabbed Browsing Interface • Mouse Gestures ..Maxthon Standard Public Preview
Maxthon is a multi-tabbed browser based on the IE core (IE5.x or aboverequired). It can open multiple web pages within one browser window,and uses little system resources. Maxthonhas a greatly integrated & customizable interface which supportsSkins, Plug-Ins, IE Extensions, & specific toolbars (example:GOOGLE Toolbar). Maxthon also incorporates 2 POPUP blockers (AutoPOPUP blocker & a POPUP block..