dwergs says:
We're really spoiling you with Mess Patchreleases lately. Rolando took note of your suggestions and implementedsome of them in yet another update. This version comes with a total of81 tweaks, so I'm expecting a call from the Guinness Book of WorldRecords anytime soon.
- First of all, there was anissue with Norton AntiVirus from Symantec which detected the previousversion of Mess Patch as Trojan.Zlob. Of course, this was a false alarmand it just proves that antivirus software can be wrong. Mess Patchdoes not pose any kind of threat to your computer and downloading MessPatch from Mess.be or via the auto-update is always 100% risk-free!
-I'm happy to announce that Mess Patch can now be used in conjunctionwith Windows Live OneCare. Users of Microsoft's comprehensive PC careservice can now get messy with Messenger again.
- As fornew features, you can now show thumbnailed Display Pictures of yourcontacts in normal view mode instead of the little green buddies. Andin "Detailed view" mode, you can decide to move the Display Pictures tothe right side (as requested by Daeron Tinúviel)
-Re-entry of a Mess Patch Original feature: "Show Contact Status InContact List", although it's for English versions only at this time.
-Lots of Messers disliked like the way the conversation window text adremoval caused the white space area to disappear as well. We split upthe option so you can decide yourself.
- Important: Removing ads now stops both JavaScript errors AND flash sounds (reported by royeiror).
-Thanks to a change by Microsoft you can now steal custom emoticons fromyour contacts again while song links are disabled. Convenient!
- Lastly, several bugs when saving/loading settings were fixed (although older settings files and registry keys no longer work).